Alice von Oy

Administrative Assistant

Alice von Oy’s journey into construction started early, working for a home developer in one of her first jobs. From that moment, she found her passion for the industry and has enjoyed being part of the construction field ever since. Now, as an Administrative Assistant at RW Jones Heavy Construction, Alice brings organization and efficiency to every project. Her ability to balance the fast-paced demands of construction with her strong administrative skills makes her an invaluable part of the team, ensuring day-to-day operations run seamlessly.

Image of woman, Alice Von Oy

The organizational backbone, ensuring smooth operations behind the scenes.

Alice’s role at RW Jones Heavy Construction goes beyond typical administrative duties. Her dedication to staying updated on new construction techniques and technologies—by earning ICC certifications and taking classes—demonstrates her commitment to the field. Alice has also played a significant role in helping design a software for a municipality, ensuring a smooth transition for her team. Her advice to anyone considering a career in construction? “No two days are the same. It never gets boring.” Alice’s story reflects RW Jones’ values of adaptability, continuous improvement, and the importance of teamwork in achieving success.

Employee Interview

Alice Von Oy - Administrative Assistant

What sparked your interest in construction and led you to pursue it as a career?

One of my first jobs was with a home developer. I have enjoyed working in the construction field ever since.

How do you balance the physical demands of your job with your personal life and hobbies?

I try to leave office stuff at the office.

How do you stay updated on new construction techniques, materials, and technologies?

By taking classes and earning ICC certifications. 

If you could build anything in the world, what would it be and why?


Can you share a project that you're particularly proud of and explain why it stands out to you?

Helping in the design of a new software for the municipality I worked for because I made sure it would be a smooth transition for my team of inspectors and permit clerks.